
We renewed Our Website 2017.11.10.view more

We renewed Our Website 2017.11.10.

After some years of good operation we decided to make a new an much more reliable website. We would like to post there up to date detailed information of our current projects with high resolution pictures. The website will be completed by the middle of November. In the meantime you can contact...

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Bleriot XI ground tests 2016. Septemberview more

Bleriot XI ground tests 2016. September

After the final building steps of the plane and the paperwork process by the Hungarian Flying Authorities we started the ground tests of our first Bleriot XI. First of all we had to find a good place to start the ground tests. The best choice for us was Börgönd airport, as it is quite close

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Testing the Anzani engine 2016.08.14.view more

Testing the Anzani engine 2016.08.14.

Before the final assembly of our first Bleriot XI we wanted to do some running tests of the Anzani 3 cylinder engine. As these are newly built engines we have to set every detail into working status. It requires 10-15 engine start ups. As the engine is a more than 100 years old design every

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Bleriot Vigadó 2016.02.06view more

Bleriot Vigadó 2016.02.06

After covering the surfaces of our first Bleriot XI we officially displayed it at a famous Hungarian building called the Vigadó. This place is very important in the Hungarian aviation history and for us a well, because it is in close connection with Bleriot. The reason for this is that Louis...

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